Business License
A Business License is $5 and are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. There isn't anything that needs to be provided to acquire a license. Just come into City Hall and the town can provide the business with the license after the business pays the $5 fee.
All questions regarding business licenses should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.

City Dog Tags
South Coffeyville requires all dogs in city limits to be registered with the town. Tags are $2.00 and require proof of rabies vaccination. Permits expire December 31st of each year.
No more than 4 dogs per household in city limits. All questions regarding animals should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.
There are no limits on the type of dog breeds allowed within city limits. All questions regarding animals should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.
All questions regarding animals should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.

Contractor License
Covered within the Town Building Permit Application

Building Permits & Inspections
Building permits are $5 per application.
All questions regarding building permits should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.

Door-to-Door Sales Permit
Anyone wanting to acquire a door-to-door sales permit will need to come to City Hall and complete an application.
Licenses are $30.00 and only last for a 24-hour period to be utilized only between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday and is NOT permitted on Sundays or legal holidays, and shall be terminated upon its expiration. They will need to provide a valid driver's license.
All questions regarding door-to-door sales permits should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.

Fireworks Reseller Permit
Any person selling or offering to sell fireworks shall first receive a permit from the town and pay a permit fee in such sum as set by the town board. No sales or stands may take place on town property.
All questions regarding fireworks reseller permits should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045. From there the town board will address the application.

Storm Shelter Registration
Registration is free, just come into City Hall to fill out the application.