
Permit Questions

Contact City Hall, (918) 255-6045

South Coffeyville Business License

Business License

Costs & Details

A business license for a Brick-and-Mortar business is $120/year.A business license for an in-home business is $5.00/year. Business Licenses are due July 1st every year and expire June 30th of the following year.
Every person, firm or corporation will need to provide a valid and current
state sales tax permit *IF* such person, firm or corporation is a vendor
subject to collection of sales taxes under the sales tax code of the town
and state.


All questions regarding business licenses should be directed to City Hall, (918) 255-6045.

Contractor Registration for South Coffeyville Oklahoma

Building Permits & Inspections

(including Contractor License)

Covered within the Town Building Permit Application

Obtaining Building Permits in South Coffeyville Oklahoma

Building Permits & Inspections

Costs & Details

Building permits are $4 per application. 

Building Permit Fees are priced as follows:
  • Fence or Pool Permit - $25.00
  • Storm Shelter - $25.00
  • Storage Building or Carport - $25.00
  • Residential - $50.00
  • Commercial - $100.0
Building Permits can be printed below, completed, and returned to City Hall (419 Willow) for approval.  You can also obtain a copy of a Business license from the Clerk at City Hall.  Office Hours:  M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (the office is closed for the lunch hour).  
The maintenance supervisor can review and pre-approve building permits, but all permits will need to be approved by the Town Board of Trustees at a Regular Council Meeting.